This post was written by Becca Rast, U.S. campus organizer for 350 Action.
So far this election, millennials have:
- Questioned every major candidate for President about how they’ll stand for climate justice.
- Led the way confronting Trump’s racism, sexism and climate denial. People under 30 oppose Trump by the widest margins of any age group in the country.
- Organized dozens of trainings for students in swing states to get out the vote to stop Trump.
Now it’s time to finish the job. On November 1st, one week before the election, the divestment movement will hold a national day of action to get out the vote and bury Trump with 200,000 texts to millennials in swing states.
This election isn’t in the bag. Trump’s supporters are highly motivated, hard working and ready to vote en masse. Lines are out the door for early voting in the states he’ll need to win to become President.
Whether we — young people — follow through and vote to stop Trump could be the difference in this election. Talking to people via text message works, and next week will be crucial.
Divestment organizers around the country are holding texting parties on November 1st — if you’re a student or recent grad, go here to sign up to be a part of it.
(If that’s not you, join the action here.)

To host a texting party, all you need is a couple hours on November 1st and a space (like your apartment or an available classroom) to gather people. Our crew will be on hand to support you — just register your event to get it on the map, and invite all your friends.
Together with NextGen Climate, we’ve already sent over 2 million text messages to millennial voters in swing states. On November 1st we can help finish the job. Click here to host a texting party if you’re a student or recent grad. If you’re not, click here.
Then on November 9th it’s back to work: marching, testifying, civil disobedience, whatever it takes to build the movement we need.