August 20, 2024

The DNC opens amidst the hottest summer on record and flash flooding across the northeast

Chicago, IL — Yesterday marked the opening day of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois. The day included the first meeting of the DNC Climate Council, and remarks from President Biden.

JL Andrepont of 350 Action said: “We are heartened and inspired to have seen a palpable groundswell of people power over the past weeks. We know that the Democratic party has immense power—and responsibility—to carry that power forward. 

As the DNC’s first day came to a close, the climate conversation largely focused on celebrating aspects of the Biden-Harris Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and President Biden’s decision to step aside for VP Harris. And while the legislation was historic, the IRA’s significance was mostly in finally showing that it is possible for the US government to invest significant resources in renewable energy. So we echo the calls heard at the DNC Climate Council for Harris to build on that work and be the climate champion we have glimpsed in her previous careers as DA, AG, and Senator. 

The DNC opened amidst the hottest summer on record, while parts of the country often considered relatively ‘safe’ from climate impacts are facing dangerous flooding and other climate disasters. In the lead up to her nomination acceptance speech, we call on VP Harris and the leaders gathered at the DNC to commit to end subsidies for fossil fuels and to hold utilities accountable for the transition to the clean, justice-forward renewable energy we need, on the urgent timeline and the expansive scale that our communities demand.”