About 350 Action

350 Action is changing the politics of climate change in the United States.

350 Action mobilizes progressive voters, gets climate champions elected, holds fossil-fueled politicians accountable, supports frontline partners, trains young movement leaders—and much more.

We are living in an absolutely critical time in our fight for climate justice. Over the past few years, our elected leaders have taken steps both forward and back in the climate fight. We have seen more investment in renewable energy, but we have also seen new pipelines approved. 

We find ourselves in another massive election year in which fossil fueled politicians—and outright climate deniers—are vying for office. 350 Action is working hard to elect climate champions and best preserve our ability to advocate for the changes we need. Our biggest investment is in the key swing state of Wisconsin to help flip the House and secure key votes in the presidential election. 350 Action will also be helping its supporters travel to work in key states, as well as phone banking to remind voters to continue to support our climate and justice champions.

Our work isn’t only about winning elections — this is about building an unstoppable movement with the political power we need to win the future that science and justice demand, before we run out of time.

Contact 350 Action

Have general questions for our team? You can get in touch with us at 350actionstaff [at] 350action [dot] org.

Questions about media? See our media page for updates and contact information.

And be sure to follow us on social media for the latest updates about our work to elect climate progressives and change the politics of climate change in the US:

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