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Sherry WalkerUnited States
Frances AubreyUnited States
Frances AubreyUnited States
Frances AubreyUnited States
Frances AubreyUnited States
Marian T GillisUnited States
Gail B LandyUnited States
Frances AubreyUnited States
Meryl Greer DominaUnited States
Frances AubreyUnited States
Mr. Roman CapelliUnited States
Mike E McDermottUnited States
Dr. Karen 0 HodgesUnited States
Meryl Greer DominaUnited States
Ms Martha TackUnited States
Bruce S BensonUnited States
Mrs. Ellen FranzenUnited States
Ms Barbara Carr CarrUnited States
Ms. Miriam and Mike Miriam KurlandUnited States
Mrs Virginia JastrombUnited States
Mrs. Ellen FranzenUnited States
Mr. Bill S IrvingUnited States
Lael White WhiteUnited States
Tina KalscheurUnited States
Meighan MatthewsUnited States
Seth SilvermanUnited States
Dr. Jacqueline GilbertUnited States
Thomas BainUnited States

What We’ve Done

Since last summer, the climate movement has demonstrated that we’re not afraid to challenge the status quo and demand that our politicians do more than accept climate science — but act like climate leaders by keeping fossil fuels in the ground.

Clinton Says #noKXL

After weeks of being hounded by young people on the campaign trail, Hillary Clinton announced her reversal on Keystone XL — adding to the pressure that caused President Obama to kill the pipeline for good a few weeks later.

Tell the Democrats: Get Climate Serious

350 Action launching a petition calling on the DNC to get serious about climate justice. Thanks to the climate movement, the Democrats have discarded their disastrous “all-of-the-above” energy policy.

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Dirty Money Fuels Climate Debate

After we filmed a viral encounter between Hillary Clinton and an organizer who wanted to know about her donations from fossil fuel lobbyists, the Democratic candidates squared off in a debate with a the most robust discussion of climate solutions yet.

Sanders Backs a National Fracking Ban

Just after the disastrous explosion of a methane facility in Porter Ranch, California, birddoggers got Bernie Sanders to call for a national ban on fracking. Then question then became — would Secretary Clinton also stand for climate justice by opposing fracking?

#KeepItInTheGround On Public Lands

In early February, Secretary Clinton finally answered the very first question we asked her in July — she would impose a moratorium on new fossil fuel leases on federal lands.

Climate Activists Punk Scott Walker, End His Campaign

We introduced ourselves to climate-denying governor Scott Walker with a fake check from the Koch brothers that went viral. A few weeks later, Walker dropped out of the race.

What We’re Doing

We demonstrated during the primaries that when ordinary citizens take a courageous stand for climate justice, we redefine political possibility. Let’s do it again during the general election.