Join the millennials getting out the vote to #StopTrump on Election Day. Sign up for a shift at

“The fossil fuel divestment movement is engaging with the election because we know that we need to influence the political terrain we are playing on, galvanizing a generation to strategically basebuild and absorb momentum that’s building. We need to pick who the climate movement is going to negotiate with and build more power than we ever have before in order to win.” Michaela, 350 Action

“I am doing this training because it is important that people are aware of reality and act collectively to change the status quo. Clean energy is the future.” Joseph, Iowa State

“For too long, our elected officials have represented values that do not align with all of our campus community values regarding social, economic, and climate justice. Fossil Free CU is getting the vote out, in order to empower students to elect officials that represent these values, so that their tuition fees actually support what they believe in.” Ben, Fossil Free CU

“I’m working on Get Out the Vote because I want a leader who holds my values of sustainability and social justice.” Rebecca, Fossil Free CU at CU Boulder.